Looking Back

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The story of Indian Indentureship in Trinidad & Tobago is one I’ve heard every year for as long as I can remember. And without a doubt, it will be one of those stories that many would continue to share.

Undoubtedly, there is always much inspiration to be gained from remembering our history, and to see how far we have come as a people. We often hear many remark on the tragedy of a people who do not remember and pay tribute to the struggles of their ancestors.

While I acknowledge that throughout history there have been different narratives that have emerged from this phenomenon, it would have been impossible to share them all in a singular episode.

Many of these portraits have motivated us to be our best. What I wish to show through these historical accounts is that hope has infinite possibilities. The story of Indian Indentureship has left an indelible mark in history. But how we choose to move forward can only be decided by us.

Published by shivanalal

Student of Mass Communication at COSTAATT.

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