Movies as Stories

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Picture this: you’re talking to your friend, when suddenly they announced that they just watched a “real” good movie. Your response is, “Tell me the story, na!”

We might not always realise it, but movies do in fact tell stories. Sometimes these stories might be based on true (or partly) events, or they may be fictitious.

How can we know this? Well, a movie consists of the same basic elements of a story. These are: setting, plot, characters, conflict, resolution, and theme. Sounds familiar, right? We use these words in talking about both stories and movies.

So next time you want to stun one of your friends, tell them you just watched a “real” good story. Wait for them ask you what you mean by that, and then tell them the name of the movie.

Published by shivanalal

Student of Mass Communication at COSTAATT.

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