Story within Poetry

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Stories are ubiquitous. And they’re even within poems.

In a previous post, I explained how movies are stories. The same criteria apply to poetry.

Derek Walcott’s Love After Love, shares a story that is universal. And regardless of its shortness, at the end of the poem one is left with a clear sense of understanding. The poem is able to take the reader from one point to another, and one is able to appreciate the transitions within the narrative.

While I’ve always been aware of the element of story within epic works, I hadn’t considered how stories are also passed on in shorter forms.

This realisation has been an eye-opener. It has helped me to recognise differing forms in storytelling. As I’ve grown to understand throughout this project, there is no limit to stories, and perhaps won’t ever be.

P.S. Episode 6 has two versions. The earlier version is the original version. The alternate version features the voice of the late Sir Derek Walcott. This recitation is taken from the documentary Poetry is an Island by director Ida Does.

Published by shivanalal

Student of Mass Communication at COSTAATT.

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