The Virtue of Another’s Story

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In my most recent episode, I collaborated with Andrea K. of Humans of Trinbago. Like its antecedent (Humans of New York), HoT presents images of individuals and the accompanying captions tell stories from their lives. You should already know that I am deeply interested in this project.

My journey to understanding how the stories I’ve been exposed to have shaped me has been somewhat exhausting. So, it was great to remove myself from all the retrospection, and instead focus on how the stories of others impact us as humans. While one may argue that many of the same processes are involved, I think it is a less daunting process.

I welcomed the opportunity to listen to Andrea’s perspective. It was refreshing to hear her speak about how the stories she heard stirred her compassion. It is no doubt that these exact emotions are what I’ve also felt throughout my own journey as a storyteller.

Whether we would admit to it or not, we have always been influenced by the stories of others. We would, also, continue to be. However, what we choose to take away from these stories are solely up to us.

Listen. Think. Act.

And never forsake compassion.

Published by shivanalal

Student of Mass Communication at COSTAATT.

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